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Center's Purpose

A Letter from NAIFA's CEO, Kevin M. Mayeux, CAE

For more than 125 years, the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA) has been anticipating and meeting the needs of the insurance and financial services industry. In America, the need for limited and extended care has never been greater than it is today, yet many insurance and financial advisors are not able to navigate the often complex solutions available in today’s market.
To equip insurance and financial professionals with the information, training, education and resources they need to meet the needs of their clients in this important area, I am pleased to announce the formation of the NAIFA Center for Limited and Extended Care Planning.
The Center will feature a virtual, private online community. Insurance professionals will come together to network with solution and service providers to network and share best practices; access and disseminate information, research, training and resources; and provide thought leadership to ensure the products and services continue to address the changing needs of the market.


The mission of the NAIFA Limited and Extended Care Planning Center is to maximize professional and consumer awareness and the distribution of limited and extended care solutions through thought leadership, educational resources, research, networking and advocacy. Using the power of a virtual, private online community, the NAIFA Limited and Extended Care Planning Center brings solution and service providers, producers and thought leaders together to deliver trends, training, expert advice, communications, networking and advocacy.

The Center's Advisory Board


An Advisory Board consisting of LTC thought leaders and sponsor representatives will govern the LEC Planning Center.

The Advisory Board will contribute the following:

  • Strategy & Oversight Providing oversight of the LTC Center program in support of the strategic objectives of LEC Planning Center.

  • Trends Keeping abreast of LTC trends, developments,news and provide intelligence in support of the LEC Planning Center.

  • Content Operating as a working group, advise the director, formulate content strategies, develop and review content for the LEC Planning Center.

  • Education Driving the educational calendar of the LEC Planning Center including program development, subject matter expert/speaker identification and virtual program delivery.

  • Online Community Development Promoting participation by thought leaders, solution providers and producers in the LEC Planning Center’s private online community.

  • Sponsor Relationships Maintaining relationships with LEC Planning Center solution and program/service providers to ensure continued financial and content/educational development support for the LEC Planning Center.

  • Advocacy/Government Relations Keeping the LEC Planning Center community informed of legislative and regulatory issues affecting care solutions.


The Limited and Extended Care Planning Center is an initiative of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors (NAIFA).

Founded in 1890 as The National Association of Life Underwriters (NALU), NAIFA is the oldest, largest and most prestigious association representing the interests of insurance professionals from every Congressional district in the United States.
Our mission – to advocate for a positive legislative and regulatory environment, enhance business and professional skills, and promote the ethical conduct of its members – is the reason NAIFA has consistently and resoundingly stood up for agents and called upon members to grow their knowledge while following the highest ethical standards in the industry.
NAIFA Members are: Insurance agents -Financial Advisors -Multiline Agents -Health Insurance and Employee Benefits Specialists -Both Captive and Independent Advisors -New to the Business, Industry Leaders and Everyone in Between.